Friday, April 4, 2008

Integrity and Swag

"You should do the right thing not because people will walk away from you if you don't,
You should do the right thing because it makes you whole to know you have integrity and swag"

I think I'm a genius for just coming up with this outta my ass when my friend needed advice but it's sooooo true and I think it's going to be my mantra for April

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

We'll Walk Right Up To The Sun...

Hand in hand

We'll walk right up to the sun,
We won't land

*Chivalry is very much alive*

My Swag

"I've always stood out. Put me in a room with 10 girls and I’ll stand out. I think most people are intimidated by that. There’s no hater on the planet that would be cool with that. That whole sex appeal rubs them the wrong way. But its funny, all that does is put my name in their mouths."

~Nicki Minaj

Nicki and I have a lot in common