Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Future...

B&J in St. Barths on their yacht

Monday, December 29, 2008

Tough Day @ The Office

My baby cousin, Everett, on Christmas Eve. SO precious!


Dad: Why are you watching Bromance? It's just like the BFF show with Paris Hilton but with dudes

Me: OMG! I am SO proud of you for making that connection!

(Dad rolls his eyes and leaves room)

Friday, December 26, 2008

Tom and Giselle Are Engaged!!!

How romantic is this? Tom proposed to Giselle on a private jet flying to Boston with 4 dozen white roses and lots of champagne. This is exactly how I want to be proposed to... gentlemen, take notes ;)

My Favorite Video of The Year!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

True Story

"All that matters is people. You'll spend your life paying or profiting from how you treat 'em"

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Who put me in this state?...

silvaster423 (7:54:15 PM): sometimes, very rarely, i get in these emotional, creative moods
silvaster423 (7:54:34 PM): like u know how rappers feel a flow coming on and need to get to a studio asap to pour out their soul artistically?
silvaster423 (7:55:06 PM): once in a rare while, once a month at most, usually just a few times a year, i get like that and write the most incredible poems/songs/paint pictures/play piano, etc
silvaster423 (7:55:19 PM): and now i'm in one of those moods
silvaster423 (7:55:27 PM): so i gotta pour everything out

I'll keep you posted on my final product, whatever it may be... I'm feeling a prose comin' on

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I am... Sasha Fierce

Diva is the female version of a hustler

I'm Not A Biter, I'm A Writer

For Myself and Others

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Picture's Worth 1000 Words

All 1000 of mine describing Michelle Lee in her newly-decorated room have postive connotations... what do you think?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Inspirational Deja Vu

I'll always remember the first time I met Kanye West. Less than a month after College Dropout dropped, I noticed a short guy with a extra tight, extra bright magenta polo with an equally flamboyant louis vuitton knapsack strapped on his barely 5'8 frame. Surrounded by a mop of seemingly larger guys , sportin the stereotypical hip-hop attire, (XXXL Rocafella clothing), I knew it had to be Kanye West and friends staying at my Columbia, Maryland hotel the day before my 16th birthday. After exchanging dialogue with the Roc Boys who were in the building, I realized I was going to have the "oh what a feeling, I'm feeling life" type of birthday and year. Already a fan of College Dropout, it wasn't until listening to my newly autographed copies of "I'm Good," "Louis Vuitton Don" and "Get Well Soon," that I knew Mr. West was going to change hip hop culture. Consequently, American culture. I was inspired to pursue a career in the entertainment industry to be a part of the influential evolution.

I haven't felt that way about hip hop in quite a while. Jay and 'Ye, with a few Weezy, Jeezy and Luda tracks in between, have captivated me since that time, but no new artists have truly inspired me in this same degree.

Until this morning. When I listened to "Sweatpants in the Club," Phella's premiere EP. The same feelings that I felt as I was listening, over and over again, to the Kanye mixtapes in my car as I drove across Maryland, Delaware, New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts, more inspired and empowered as I crossed over into each state, is the same feeling I felt as I listened to his tracks today.

November 14th, 2008 when "Sweatpants in the Club" officially became available for download online was undoubtedly a "Phella Day" and I'm looking forward to quite a few Phella Years to come.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's Amazing...

I still get chills everytime I watch this and it never ceases to inspire me:

Alessandra Stanley on Obama's Victory...

Via NYTimes: "There have been other extraordinary events that have put on pause a routine and threw the country into a passionate babble of conversation, but in recent times, theey have mostly been bad news: presidential assassinations, hostage crises, 9/11, the invasion of Iraq and, most recently, the financial meltdown on Wall Street. The election wasn't a distraction like a celebrity arrest or a royal wedding, it was something that actually mattered and wasn't painful. And that alone made it an amazing television moment."

I Absolutely Love Cultural Victories.

I Love America More Each Day

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Where I'll Be Tomorrow!

"I'm Sure It's Beautiful Art..."

Kanye West recently had an exclusive listening party for his new album, which is being released earlier than anticipated (quite a rare occasion in hip hop) this November. "808's and Heartbreak" is West's most raw album to date and there were 70 naked women at the party who served as the soiree's decor. Jimmy Kimmel, in attendance, said of the painted women:

“I’m sure it’s beautiful art, and many people can appreciate it on a much deeper level than I can. But I look out there and see a lot of good-looking naked girls and it makes me happy.”

How Can One Not Smile When...

There is an article in The New York Times titled: "Le Hip and Le Hop Combine In A Slice of Urban France"

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Intimate Beyonce Exclusive

This video got me extraordinarily excited for the release of Beyonce's new albuml

"The more comfortable you get, the more you’re able to reveal yourself"
~Beyonce Carter


How To Make The Economy Better

“We will all need to sacrifice. We will need to work a little harder,” Obama said. “We will need to work a little smarter; parents will need to turn off their TV sets and make sure their children are doing their homework.”

Nothing about derivatives, just doing the little things to get the big pay-off.

26 days til he's el Presidente!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

L'Shanah Tovah!

This year is going to be incredible! Even better than the last! <3


Why Do I Love Them So Much?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Little Things In Life

I recently saw a Jewish guy with curly hair (think Billy Crystal) rockin a yarmulke and walkin down the street smoking a Cohiba. I don't know why but it gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008


One of nicest guys in NY, who def knows how to throw a party and turn an ordinary event into an affair, Cassidy shows me SO much love everytime I see him that I had to put this HILARIOUS video up and show him some love, too:

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Just Got A Text Out Of The Blue...

From Rachel Garabedian that said: "So there's this one guy who takes money at the toll (who looks like Biggie) and everytime I give him $1.25 instead of saying 'thank you' he's like 'how you doin ma' and expects me to hold up the line of traffic in my beemer and have a conversation with him... just thought you'd get a laugh out of that, xo"

Rach def knows how to get me to LOL, literally.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Absolutely Fascinating

Looking extremely forward to seeing this with CSG this December.

Is it just me or...

Does Christina Milian's new album cover (being released on myspace records):

Make her look like she would be a great addition to the Lloyd and Weezy video "All Around The World"

Either way, I think ella es muy caliente... Christina's definitely in my top 10 (for looks) and I'm anticipating a Hype Williams-esque intergalactic video for her first single

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Spent the gorgeous afternoon @ the Andy Warhol museum with Brigitte.

Proud to find out he graduated from CMU, too! Little did I know...

Now I Get It...

Wow. Thoroughly impressed by the new T.I. and J.T. track, "Dead and Gone."

Best line:

"Now I get it, now I take, the time to think before I make mistakes."

Deep. Clifford Harris is growing up.

Friday, September 19, 2008

"Swagga" Like Puff

I love how Puff wasn't included on the "Swagga Like Us" joint with Tip, Kanye, Weezy and Jay-Z so he made this in retaliation (I recommend starting it at 2:32 for maximum ridiculousness):

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Is it just me or...

Does anyone else find it extremely ironic that Brooklyn's Finest is married to (someone with the initials) BK?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good Morning

"It's a lot of pressure because everyone's depending on you... and your mood. When you go on set, everyone feels it. On a day when you're tired, it's important to just say good morning to everyone so they're kinda aware that it's going to be a good day."

~Lindsay Lohan

Whenever I hear people say "Good Morning," it reminds me of Rev Run in the bathtub. :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Juvenile Success

I feel like a conglomeration of Vashtie and Mary-Kate.

I'm rockin a men's XL Juvenile Success t-shirt with short Georgia shorts and tall plaid rainboots.

For those of you living under a rock:
Juvenile Success is the realization of Todd Moscowitz and Joie Manda's vision of a high end clothing line incorporating the urban rock and roll lifestyle, attitude, and perspective. Launched in the Summer of 2008, Juvenile Success clothing with it's distinctive red strip armbandis sold in limited quantities online and has been seen on numerous celebrities in various videos and television appearances. As soon as one slips on a Juvenile Success t-shirt, they are given a unique confidence that is frequently manifested in Rock Stars and Rappers alike.
Shout-out to Sick and Todd for putting me on with JS

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Family Values

I love how I texted my newly-turned 19 year old brother: "what are you up to?" at 2:30 in the morning, thinking he would respond with something along the lines of sleeping, playing x-box or microwaving easy mac and he replies, "in San Diego, driving home* from the Dylan concert."

* Home = Boston, Cali, Pittsburgh or NYC
In this instance, for him, he was referring to Cali

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My New Look

Friday, September 5, 2008

You Heard It Here First Kids...

"Prep School is WACK!"

~Andrew McCarthy

Fascinating Article

Via NyTimes: Ruth Butler recently wrote this incredible book about how world-renouned artists like Cezanne, Rodin and Monet would pick up models on the streets of Paris, who they would later marry, and use as muses for the majority of their artwork. "The artists used the same model - often a wife or lover - over and over and over again in different paintings and in different scenes."

The piece above, "La Japonaise," Claude Monet did in 1876 of his wife, Camille. Butler recalls, "Monet and Camille were a wonderful working couple. She just loved to pose."

High Off Life

Me: "I feel like I'm on crack"
Dre: "ME TOO!!"
Me: "I don't think my body's used to all these endorphins. I mean I walk a lot but..."
Dre: "YEAH!!!"
Me: "...But I haven't ran in a while... what's with the 'YEAH!!!' ???"
Dre: "Ster, don't take this the wrong way, but you have REALLY nice legs"
Me: "Uh... thanks"

This conversation accurately exemplifies my relationship with Andrea Zeytoonian.
Gotta love her.

Stepping My HipSTER Game Up

New Chief Curator At The MoMA

Via NYTimes: "After a six-month search, the Museum of Modern Art has chosen one of its own curators, Ann Temkin, to succeed John Elderfield, who retired as chief curator of painting and sculpture in July. Ms. Temkin assumes the curatorial post, considered the most prestigious in the field of Modern art, as MoMA gears up for its second growth spurt in less than a decade. After an $858 million expansion completed in 2004, the museum plans to extend its galleries further in a tower that is being built next door on West 54th Street in Manhattan... In recent years some art-world critics have felt that the museum should have been more on top of what was happening in contemporary art. Ms. Temkin said that one of her priorities was to ensure that MoMA’s collection of contemporary art is unrivaled."

Great news for Vane!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

True Love

Monday, June 30, 2008


More Love

Fabulous Philosophy

I recently went to a bakery one sunny morning in Soho with my amazing friend Dan who's such a breath of fresh air. While I just got a fruit cup, Dan's skinny hipster self ordered an assortment of pastries, which naturally, he didn't finish. When he seemed ready to leave I said, "Babe, are you full?" and he smiled with that twinkle in his eyes that I love and said, "I'm not full, just happy."

I Love Her...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

My Future

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My (Famous) Friday Night Adventure

The following are excerpts from various text and bbm conversations that essentially illustrate my evening...

Phella (9:58 pm): Were you hijacked, AGAIN?!
Phella (9 :59 pm): Sterling, you gotta stop getting in cars, even if chauffers are present...
Me (10:00 pm): Hahahahaha... Phella, I'm good.

* * *

Me (11:20 pm): Are you anywhere near Tribeca?
Me (11:23 pm): I have a movie for 4 u 2 star in if u can get on Chambers street in 10 min. Can you make this happen?
Sick (11:24 pm): I don't act.......
Me: (11:26 pm): "My life is like a movie" type stuff. Are you in a car?

Sick: (11:28 pm): Lol
Me: (11:31 pm): This isn't funny, I'm being held hostage. If you come, you'll be the hero.
Me: (11:38 pm): I ran out of the penthouse, sprinted down the steps to the 16th floor and am hiding there. I heard Homeboy chase after and
go down the elevator but hopefully he's back up since he didn't see me in Smithsonian-esque lobby. I'll explain/draw the
rest of the story on a napkin
as we speed away.

* * *

Phella (11:52 pm): You still in cognito?
Me (11:53 pm): Nah, Sickamore saved the day
Phella (11:54 pm): WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me (11:55 pm): Thank God I'm Famous ;)

Upstairs Debauchery

As you can see from this picture, mis zapatos blancos made the evening more fun than anything else

Monday, June 2, 2008

Mogul Steeze

MarkusKnight24 (5:36:43 PM): doooooooooooope
MarkusKnight24 (5:36:50 PM): ur so cool Sterling
MarkusKnight24 (5:37:02 PM): ur like The Queen of The Firm

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Musiq's Wisdom Part 1

"Most people know what they want, they just don't know how to articulate it. It's important to learn how to communicate with people about what you want so others can help you achieve your visions"

~Musiq Soulchild (philosophizing with me at Legacy Studios)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cameras Flash So Much That I Gotta...

I love how Bryce Gruber feels the need to photograph my every move.

Sometimes I just gotta pull a Tony Yayo.
G-G-G-G-G-G-unit (G stands for Gruber).

Tonight I get to have dinner with the infamous Jared Gruber... I'm pretty excited.

Monday, May 19, 2008

LeBron Who?


Me: Do you address him as Al, Al Be or Al Be Back?

Whosane: Neither

Me: Neither?! What do you call him

Whosane: Son

Friday, May 16, 2008


Scott: This is definitely the best conversation we've ever had. My favorite, by far. I'm going to live a VERY long time thanks to you.

Sterling: ???

Scott: Laughter makes you live extra long and I don't think I've ever laughed this hard... with you, or anyone else. We're both crying.

Sterling: I don't even remember how this hysterical laughter began...

Scott: When you were glowing so much, you had to turn the flash off the camera

I'm Painting The World Red

Just like Neako

Red represents a lot of powerful things: Love, Spicyness, Sassiness, Amor Verdadero

I've been telling people lately that March was my month to accumulate the paint, April was my month to get my palate ready and now, May, I'm doing what I do best... making my visions and fantasies, a reality. I love it! Life is fabulosaaaaa

Welcome To The Good Life!

WOW! May 14 was INCREDIBLE!!!

Went to the hottest party ever... SUPER dope, sexy, sexy, sexy crowd! Kanye was AMAZING, ABSOLUTELY amazing. He's Michael Jackson. Did the glow-in-the-dark performance, not 1 or 2 songs but the whole Graduation album AND all his singles AND freestyled... sooooo impressed. It was definitely an "oh what I'm feeling, I'm feeling life" day and night. Cory Scott called that. I was definitely Welcomed to the Good Life!

Did I mention, EVERYONE in attendance was treating AL BE BACK like he was Jigga Man... from the red carpet, to the VIP, photographers were swarming the kid... he's a Superstar!

Shout-outs to my other LOVES who made the evening extra special: Dania Ramirez, GLC, Hans, G-Rob, Terrence J and NIKKI MARZ

P.S. The Kanye pic was taken from my bb, that's how intimate the affair was

Monday, May 12, 2008

Coldplay Kinda Day

Don't know how else to better describe it...

Soooooo excited for tomorrow

Friday, April 4, 2008

Integrity and Swag

"You should do the right thing not because people will walk away from you if you don't,
You should do the right thing because it makes you whole to know you have integrity and swag"

I think I'm a genius for just coming up with this outta my ass when my friend needed advice but it's sooooo true and I think it's going to be my mantra for April

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

We'll Walk Right Up To The Sun...

Hand in hand

We'll walk right up to the sun,
We won't land

*Chivalry is very much alive*

My Swag

"I've always stood out. Put me in a room with 10 girls and I’ll stand out. I think most people are intimidated by that. There’s no hater on the planet that would be cool with that. That whole sex appeal rubs them the wrong way. But its funny, all that does is put my name in their mouths."

~Nicki Minaj

Nicki and I have a lot in common

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ooh It's The Lights...

The allegory of this photograph.

Just got back from Hollywood.
It ain't for everybody.

Once you taste it, you can't live without it.

I definitely lived it up, but I don't think I had a big enough taste...

Friday, March 21, 2008


"Our truest life is when we are in dreams, awake."

~Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bet You Didn't Know...

Your Girl was (also) a published journalist!

Start With Straight Shots...

For Miss Rachel Perovich's birthday last night, we hit up P.F. Chang's. Tell me this wasn't the cutest idea to have miniature desserts (chocolate cake, carrot cake, apple pie, tiramisu) served in shot classes. When they brought out our choices, of course we couldn't choose just one flavor, so we took them all ;)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Shining Star

I'm SO excited about life right now. You gotta push hard, when there is no light at the end of the tunnel, because you know you are doing the right thing and persevering more than anyone else. If you work smart and are the best at what you do as a result, still exuding benevolence, you will rise to the top. Thank you to everyone right now fueling this desire to pursue my passions. I hope you all can feel my energy.

This pic symbolizes how I feel right now :)

Another Fortune Cookie Fortune

"Do not mistake temptation for opportunity"

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I Can't Get Over How...

DOPE this picture of AL BE BACK is


Is anyone watching the debate?? Hill just flipped out, in a extremely ludicrous, juvenile manner. I love how Barack is keeping his cool and is so calm and collected despite Hillary's inappropriately audacious behavior.

Ratings for her are going wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy down after this debate. Maybe Ohio and Texas will have a landslide in Barack's favor. That'd be amazing!!

Barack '08 :)

Excited For The Debate Tonight!

I love how in today's NEW YORK TIMES it says that 67% of college graduates favor Obama over Clinton. He inspires people to transform the world in such a positive way. He's a rock star. Who would have thought 6 months ago that Barack Obama would be this far in the Presidential Primaries and now the country favors him as the Democratic PRESIDENTIAL candidate!! He has so much hope for our country and I have so much hope for him. It's only going UP from here. If he wins Ohio and Texas, which was considered impossible 2 months ago but now is very achievable for him, I will be sooooooooo happy!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

I Love...

In 5-10 years, when I'm in a Jada and Will type of marriage, I'm going to have extravagant dinner parties in our Manhattan penthouse and play Sinatra while I cook Cucina Italiana.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I Wrote This Today @ 4:23 AM...

Don’t celebrate when you’re a little great
Keep going until you’re the best
Finish what you started
And you’ll have more than a little success
You have goals, achieve them, they’re hard to accomplish but it’s in your fate
Do your best on time, the great ones are never late
Don’t rush, just be effective, know your worth but step
Outside of your comfort zone often, but have integrity in what you rep
LOVE. Show and give often, and have a special ONE in your life
who knows what you think about them, because you give them glory not strife
A throne and a beach chair, two, better yet one so u can share
Cuddle, collaborate, together, you’ll act on things that u care
About each other and the world, take care of all of your goals
All that glitters can be platinum, after you amplify the gold

Best Fortune Cookie Fortune Ever

"Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures"

Friday, February 22, 2008

Spread Benevolence!

Everytime I would send the "good morning" emails to my inner-circle, I would end with: "Spread benevolence and make your dreams come true. L'chaim!". Think about that. My dad gave me an incredible speech at my bat mitzvah and he quoted Carole King and said:

"You've got to wake up every morning with a smile on your face and show the world all the love in your heart. People are gonna treat you better you'll find, yes you will, that you're as beautiful as you feel."

That speech in accordance with my mom's constant advice to "keep your shoulders back, held up high and act like you own the place" has molded me into Sterling Platinum. Everyday I thank God (multiple times) for blessing me with such amazing parents.

Yesterday, Bill talked about the wonderful advice Warren Buffet gives him. I found this and it really illuminated everything for me. Note that date at the top, April 23 (my birthday!)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

GATEway to the Future

I had the opportunity to spend time with a lovely man today. His name is Bill Gates. Let me tell you; I completely underestimated his social skills. We tend to judge people in the computer science field, label them as "nerds"; but I knew BG was a certified baller when he showed me this hilarious video
about what he plans to do when he retires this summer from Microsoft.

BG's vocab is ON POINT. Not only that but he never seems caught off-guard, answers every question without hesitation, no "um," "like" or "ya know" rhetoric. People think it's cool just because he's rich but what I was impressed with is that he grants $3 billion to charity a year and is not leaving anything to his children. He is trying to instill an impeccable work ethic in them so they can create billion-dollar empires, too, and then save the world with their profits. Bill told me his best friend is Warren Buffet and he learned a lot of non-technological stuff from him. I think he would also get a long great with Obama. Hopefully if he wins, BG can be his runningmate like the video infers and they can save the world together. That would be dope!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


That means "Welcome" in case you don't speak Spanish. I do. I probably will speak a lot of Español on this blog so get excited for my Mamacita moods... who knows what may trigger them... For months people close to me have been encouraging me to start a blog. I send Rev Run-esque "Good Morning" emails to my inner-circle most days but now the time has come (drumroll please) for me to share some of my secrets with you. "What motivates Sterling?" "How did she get to where she is today?" "Who are Sterling's closest friends and who does she just get photographed with to benefit the company?" All these questions and more will get answered as I give you a glimpse of a day in the life of moi You'll find out what turns me on, what turns me off and what may, if you're lucky, keep me coming back for more. Get excited!